Aug 6, 2011

Elkhorn Whitewater Run

Last night we paddled a "whitewater" run on Elkhorn Creek.  Since none of us actually have white water boats, the conditions were perfect.  We had a big rain earlier in the week but, by Friday night, the water had gone down enough so it was manageable on a recreational boat but still exciting!  Directions to the put-in and take-out.

Our group (Derrick, Derrick, Jeff, Andrew and I) put in the water at about 6 and pulled out just as it was getting dark.  I can't think of a better way to begin the weekend!  The temp was pretty warm so the cold water felt really good.  We stopped once to cool off but every ripple sent a little bit of water up into my boat and kept me cool.  

It's an easy paddle when the water is moving so quickly.  There's not really any need to work, except to steer.  Andrew took full advantage of this...I'm not sure if he paddled the entire way.  From start to finish the trip may have been about 7 miles.

There were several groups of whitewater kayaks out.  It was obvious from the beginning that we were in a whitewater section.  Minutes into the trip we were already going down rapids.  The experienced white water guys shouted out instructions to help guide us through.  If nothing else, it was great to have the encouragement.

The trip stayed pretty lively with a constant shift back and forth between calm water and choppy little rapids.  It was really fun!  The scenery is incredible and even more so in the evening.  The high rock cliffs along the creek edge shoot up so high showing how big the scenery was around us and how little we were right in the middle of it!

What a great trip!  Glad we didn't decide to do the 12 mile run....

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