Jul 30, 2011


Becoming an expert in adventure doesn't just happen overnight.  It takes discipline.  The little man and I have developed a strict training schedule to get where we are today....

We begin our Saturday mornings with a healthy dose of fishing shows and country music videos.  It's not always easy, but we fight through the pain.  Paying close attention is critical.  Jackson is a true student of the game. (see game-face above)  But, you gotta love it too! (see enjoyment-face below)  It's the love of the game that keeps ya going!

I can't overemphasize the importance of hydration.  Jackson and I have different theories on what fuel helps us perform at a high level.  Jackson prefers the non-dairy formula.  I prefer coffee.  Our different perspectives on this issue can be a touchy subject.

But maybe the most important trick of the trade has little to do with education or hydration.  Clean feat.  Yes, clean feet.  The x-factor in becoming an elite adventurer is having healthy feet.  You gotta keep them clean to perform well for years to come.  Ramsey takes this responsibility quite seriously and usually schedules this cleaning on a weekly basis.

There you have it!  A sneak peek into what makes Jackson so successful at such a young age.  With dedication like this, he's got a bright future ahead of him.

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