Jul 19, 2011

Hickman Creek

Finished up at work and got to the put-in at Hickman Creek about 6pm.  Great place, near Lexington, to be able to wade in and fish for a couple hours as the sun goes down. Directions

Best catch of the Night

The water looked really clear so I tried to fish lighter colored lures.  I read that when the water is dark and murky, darker and bigger lures are better.  When it's clear, lighter and smaller lures are better.  I also learned how to do a texas jig and so I gave that a shot so I could drag my lure across the rocks.  The knowledge paid off quickly, here's a look at the 1st fish I caught on a bright yellow worm with the texas jig.  He gave a great fight!

I didn't catch anything else on the yellow, so I switch to a crankbait which was recommended to me by a friend as a "must have".  I caught several little ones with it right up on the rocks.  They were grabbing it as soon as it hit the water.

The sky was rumbling so it was time to get off the water.  I probably caught about 5 in all....mostly little guys. It's beautiful out there!

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