Sep 3, 2011

A New Way to Explore

On Thursday evening several of us left from the church to take on a 20+ mile bike ride.  The ride concluded at the Kentucky Horse Park where we camped for the night.

Our route took us through downtown Lexington where we rode in a pack on the right lane.  I have to be honest, not sure how much I enjoyed that.  I guess I don't trust people in cars.  After we got to the north side of town, we hopped onto the Legacy Trail for the rest of the way.  It was beautiful, especially on our way back in the cool morning.  This would be a great place to come back to bike, or jog!

It was a great opportunity to spend some time with friends.  Bike-Camping was a much different experience.  For starters, it was more exhausting than kayaking.  When the guys got going on their bikes, we pedaled straight through until our destination.  I'm used to stopping every ten minutes or so to throw in a fishing line.  I also realized that I'm not in bike shape.  My butt and legs are killing me the day after.

2 of my friends slept in hammocks and I got to try it out when they were setting up.  Really comfortable!  I caught a slight case of hammock envy.  The only downside is that you have to have 2 nice trees to be able to set it up.  Those trees were easy to find at the horse park but might be a little more difficult to find along a river bank.

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