Aug 21, 2011

Red River

I never would have thought to plan a fishing trip in the Gorge.  I guess I just assumed that all of the river trails would be whitewater.  I was so wrong!  This was one of the best trips I've ever experienced.  Location: Middle Red River.  It's safe to say that we'll be back.  Great planning Ryan!

Zach, Roy, Ryan and I put in the water at about 5pm on Saturday evening with a plan to fish the evening and morning and be home by early afternoon on Sunday.  Scenery was beautiful.  Weather was perfect.  Fishing was fantastic.  Stopped at Miguel's for pizza on the way home....incredible!  I'll let the pictures tell the rest.


  1. Absolutely awesome. That's a great looking fish, too! Glad Roy got his boat wet again! :)

  2. The lucky yellow lure was killin it!
